Welcome to Rory Jackson as Michael Jackson Harlow
Rory Jackson is a professional Michael Jackson tribute artist performing around the UK since 2007. He is a dancer, look-a-like and Michael Jackson impersonator. Also nick-named as “The Dancing Machine!!” which is a name and reputation that he truly lives up to! please visit our website to see more videos http://roryj.com/videos.php
Every venue Rory has performed at has come back with the comment “Amazing” and Rory is regularly rebooked. Rory has a huge fan base all over Britain and an incredible International following and has rapidly gained his reputation as The Best Michael Jackson tribute act ever seen. His fan base and clientele will be quick to say so. Not only has Rory got fine attention to detail, his onstage energy and Dance skill is his main selling point. There has been no Michael Jackson impersonator or dance fanatic that has ever been able to equal Rory Jackson.
In 2016 Rory took to the stage in Britain’s Got Talent Series 10, this earned Rory virtual overnight fame in April 2016 when he was aired on the show catching the eyes of over Ten Million viewers around the World and counting. Click this link to see what happened! https://youtu.be/g91LojAByBA
On the show, it is fair to say that the Judges loved him… See Video here: https://youtu.be/fEzX46heujs
Rory Jackson, impressed the panel with a dance performance of “Billie Jean” and “Jam” Showing off his slick moves and incredible Moonwalking skill, to get Four Yes’s through to the next round of the Semi-Final.
Simon Cowell said, “If I was watching that from another 100 feet away, I would have believed that was Michael Jackson” This is very well deserved, Four Yes’s Congratulations!
Alesha Dixon said, “I was at the Bad Tour Concert, and you did a really good job, you should be really proud of yourself”.
Stephen Mulhern also said on a radio interview and a magazine, “In 10 years of doing Britain’s Got Talent” My favourite contestant has to be Rory Jackson as Michael Jackson! “He is Outstanding!
Since the Television appearance Rory has enjoyed National and International Fame and attention from the public not to mention Michael Jackson Fan’s from all around the World.
Rory Jackson’s attention to detail is what makes his show stand out from the rest. Rory is also the same height, build and weight as Michael Jackson. Standing 5ft 9 inches tall with Michael Jackson look alike hair, eyebrows and hairline, permed to precision and maintained in the BAD Era hairstyle which is 100% his own hair! This makes Rory’s hairstyle the closest to Michael Jackson’s head of hair out of all the other top MJ look-a-likes and tribute artists in the world, giving you the perfect look-a-like appearance. Not only that, he has MJ’s stage presence and will make you feel like the man himself is there dancing in the flesh right in front of you before your very eyes. See the Show up close here https://youtu.be/u_rzthKlzKA
There is nothing fake on stage with Rory Jackson! He’s 100% natural at impersonating Michael Jackson and his dancing totally defines the words skill and stamina. So if you’ll love to see MJ’s moon walking magic up close and personal, Rory Jackson is the man to come and see! Rory Jackson can be booked as a Solo Tribute Act, or he can be booked with His Backing group “The RJ Dancers” from 2 Dancers to 4 dancers backing Rory through all the famous dance routines matching the exact moves in the finest detail. See more of the show on this links here…
Rory Jackson’s set list for 2018
2 x 45 Minute sets
Act 1
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin
Heartbreak Hotel
Another Part Of Me
Human Nature
Smooth Criminal
Jackson 5 Medley
Rock With You
Dirty Diana
Act 2
Working Day & Night
Billie Jean
Shake Your Body
Beat It
Black or White
Way You Make Me Feel
I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
Man In The Mirror
Call for more information.